H.V.Gayitri-Lead Organizer- Reimagine Waste| Founder Trustee-Waste Impact Trust
27 years of experience in fashion marketing & merchandising. Connecting markets in more than 30 countries with leading exporters in India. Also, taught in premier institutions for 10 years, such as NIFT Gandhinagar & NID Ahmedabad, NIFT Bangalore and ALT Training College, Bangalore.
Pushed beyond the comfort zone of a job and jumped into the development sector. After about 12 years of learnings from setting up livelihood projects -with Self Help Groups, and with Gram panchayats in safe drinking water sector- founded Waste Impact, a Trust, in 2014.
Today, WIT facilitates the development of open-sourced technologies to benefit entrepreneurs of disadvantaged communities through creating platforms such as Hackathons. Waste Impact Trust runs series of Hackathons called ‘REimagiNEWaste’ in collaboration with renowned institutions such as Indian Institute of Science, and IIMB and Ramaiah Institute of Technology Bangalore.
She has conducted 5 hackathons with various themes on the waste eco system. The USP of these hackathons is that the communities which are managing waste such as Waste Pickers, Manual Scavengers take part in it. The sustainable solutions emanating from REimagiNEWaste are developed and incubated to become sustainable, social, inclusive enterprises. We have now about 4/5 solutions being incubated.